I am a professional illustrator with a degree in Graphic Design and have worked many years as an illustrator for German Schoolbook Editors like Klett, Oldenbourg, Persen etc. Grown up in Southern Germany with roots in Brittany I am currently based in Yokohama, Japan. My paintings and illustrations are inspired by nature and the countryside I am surrounded with. I love all kinds of techniques like watercolor, ink, pencil and charcoal. Two years ago I discovered digital painting with Procreate and immediately fell in love with surface pattern design.
Visit some of my Surface Pattern Designs here in my Portfolio.
Check out my artwork in my Portfolio.
I am an active member of the following Artist websites:
Please contact me if you want to buy an original painting or if you are interested in Art Licensing in the Textile and Surface Pattern Industry, children and schoolbooks or for personal commission.
Thank you!